My struggle With Acne
martes, junio 04, 2019
Hello friends. It's been a long time since I last wrote here. Many things have happened, but I'll leave that to tell you another day.
Today my daughter will take control over the blog, and she will share her experience with the acne she has been suffering.

Hey guys!! My name's Yaslin I'm Tainas Daughter and today I'll be taking over the Blog :)
Today I'll be talking (writing hehe) about my struggle with acne
Ever since I can remember I’ve always had problems with my skin. During my early teens, I would get pimples in my forehead which made me feel like I was growing little horns. Then during my later teenage years, my forehead was filled with little bumps that would not go away no matter how much I tried. Finally my last two years of high school my face was completely clear I could go out and not be self-conscious about what people thought, and I was happy.
But then I started working in fast food and everything went downhill. I would get pimples in my cheeks, something that hadn’t happened before. I wanted to hide my face and started using makeup which made my pores more clogged. It was a struggle between choosing to go out and let everyone see me without makeup and using makeup and making my face worse. I didn’t want to go out and face the world bare-faced so I started going to the dermatologist. After about two months my face was pimple free, unfortunately, I was left with hyperpigmentation.

I tried everything; face masks, bleaching Creams, toners, and nothing worked. But one day I came across Banish and I decided to give it a chance. Nothing had worked as well as the Banish derma-roller, it made my hyperpigmentation lighter and my scars less visible. I was amazed by the results. The way a derma-roller work is by creating micro tears into your skin which tricks your skin into creating collagen.
Every two weeks during the night time after I shower I soak the derma-roller in alcohol for about five minutes while in the meantime I clean my face with toner. After the two minutes have passed I begin derma-rolling by gently pressing it against my skin. It can be moved in either direction as long as you are lifting it off before every roll. after rolling it five to seven times I apply vitamin C serum or Rose-hip Oil. After I am finished using my derma - roller I soak it again for about 5 minutes and let it dry before putting it back in its packaging.
As a college student, I am saving my own money to buy my products and I truly believe that everything I’ve spent on Banish products has been worth it.

I'll talk to you about the vitamin c oil and rosehip oil next time if my mom lets me take over her blog again :p
Thanks for reading me, see ya! 🙋