PIZZA TIME ! Recipe... Spinach cheese pizza.
domingo, septiembre 20, 2015Esta deliciosa campaña ha sido compensada por Collective Bias, Inc. y sus anunciantes. Todas las opiniones son 100% mias . #ChooseSmart #CollectiveBias

Nos ha gustado tanto que he decidió compartir con todos ustedes la receta. Es una pizza súper sencilla y fácil de hacer, pero muy deliciosa, el tiempo de preparación es de 10 min y entre 15-20 min para cocinar.
Cocinar para mi familia siempre ha sido muy gratificante, me encanta verlos disfrutar sus platillos, pero no voy a mentir, hay esos días que no se quieren comer la comida ni a palos, pobres ! Cuando mama anda cansada o las papilas gustativas deciden irse de paseo, no hay poder humano que haga que la comida sea pasable jejeje, pero este nos es el caso, lo prometo ! Esta receta si que ha quedado deliciosa, tanto que tuve que preparar una mas.
Happy Sunday! I know I usually don't post on Sunday, but today is a special occasion. I love Sunday because it's a relaxing time with my family, and along with that, I like to make our meals something special, I like to prepare something we usually don't eat on weekdays, What we ate you ask? A delicious pizza, made by me, Oh heck yes. I made a pizza and I'm not bragging, but the truth is that it was delicious and my family devoured it hehe.
We liked it so much that I decided to share with you the recipe. It's super simple and easy to make, but I assure you it's delicious. The preparation time is 10 min prep and the cooking time is about 15-20 min.
Cooking for my family has always been very rewarding, I love watching them enjoy their dishes, but I won't lie, there are days when they don't want to eat their food. When I'm tired or my taste buds decide to go for a walk, there is no human power that makes the food taste good haha, but this pizza was a win! This recipe was so delicious I had to prepare more than one.
We liked it so much that I decided to share with you the recipe. It's super simple and easy to make, but I assure you it's delicious. The preparation time is 10 min prep and the cooking time is about 15-20 min.
Cooking for my family has always been very rewarding, I love watching them enjoy their dishes, but I won't lie, there are days when they don't want to eat their food. When I'm tired or my taste buds decide to go for a walk, there is no human power that makes the food taste good haha, but this pizza was a win! This recipe was so delicious I had to prepare more than one.

Y la dieta ? Que bueno que lo preguntas, no ha venido desde que inicie mis propósitos de año nuevo, así que si la ven díganle que estoy enojada y no la quiero volver a ver por aquí y menos llegando diciembre.
Bien bien a lo que vengo la receta, Va !
And the diet? I'm glad you asked, I haven't seen her since I started my New Year's resolutions, so if you see her tell her that I'm angry and I don't want anything to do with her specialy this upcoming December.
Well, what I came here for, the recipe!
Well, what I came here for, the recipe!

► 1 lata de salsa preparada para pizza La Romanella (pizza sauce)
► 1 lata de tomates en tiras La Romanella (tomato strips)
► 1 lata de pimientos rojos asados en tiras La Romanella (Red peppers)
► 1 lata de aceitunas negras picadas
► Espinacas cuanta cantidad sea necesaria
► Queso rallado, yo he utilizado monterrey jack. (el necesario)
► 1 paquete de masa para pizza preparada.
► 1 can prepared pizza sauce, La Romanella (pizza sauce)
► 1 can tomatoes strips, La Romanella (tomato strips)
► 1 can roasted red peppers strips La Romanella (Red Peppers)
► 1 can chopped black olives
► Spinach, as needed.
► grated cheese, I used monterey jack. (The necessary)
► 1 package prepared pizza dough.
► 1 can tomatoes strips, La Romanella (tomato strips)
► 1 can roasted red peppers strips La Romanella (Red Peppers)
► 1 can chopped black olives
► Spinach, as needed.
► grated cheese, I used monterey jack. (The necessary)
► 1 package prepared pizza dough.

1. Cuando tengamos nuestra masa para pizza ya preparada y bien extendida sobre una charola, ponemos la salsa muy bien distribuida, a mi me gusta con mucha salsa asi que le puse bastante.
1. When we have our pizza dough already prepared, and well spread on a tray, add the sauce nicely laid out, I like it with lots of sauce, so I add quite a good deal.

2. Ponemos el queso, mucho mucho.
2. Add the cheese, make sure it's well spread, add as much cheese as you like.
2. Add the cheese, make sure it's well spread, add as much cheese as you like.
3. Ponemos las espinacas, a los mios les gusta bastante así que le puse un buen puño.
3.Add the spinach. My kids really like it so I added a lot of it.

4. Añadimos los pimientos rojos asados.
4. We add the roasted red peppers.

5. Añadimos también los tomates en tiras, cuidando que no tengan mucho liquido, de lo contrario la masa quedara muy floja.
5. We also add the tomatoes cut into strips, make sure not to add too much of the tomato juice, otherwise the dough will be very loose.

6. Ponemos las aceitunas muy bien distribuidas, a mis hijos esta parte no les gusta mucho, pero basta que le saquen unas cuantas antes de comer y listo.
6. Add the olives and spread them through the dough, my kids do not like this part very much, but they just have to take out a few olives before dinner and boom, there you go.

7. Un poco mas de queso, para los extremistas como yo.
7. A little more cheese for the extremists like me.

9. Yujju ya casi esta nuestra pizza, la metemos al horno previamente calentado a 450" aproximadamente entre 15 y 20 min, cuidando para que no nos quede muy dorada o si lo prefieres bien dorada, déjala los 20 min o un poco mas de tiempo.
Precaución : Una vez que la pruebes vas a querer una rebanada mas y otra y otra así que te aconsejo prepares unas cuantas mas por adelantado.
9. Our pizza is almost done, preheat the oven at 450" about 15 to 20 min, if you prefer your pizza crispy, leave it for 20 minutes or a little more time.
Caution: Once you try it you'll want a slice over and over again so I advise you, prepare a few more in advance.

Para hacer esta receta yo he comprado todos los ingredientes en Smart & Final.
Los dias Sept. 23-29 Smart & Final tendra una promocion de los productos La Romanella y tambien puedes aprovechar Instacart para tus compras online con $5 de descuento con el codigo de promocion: SMART5"
Are you hungry already?
To prepare this recipe I bought all the ingredients at Smart & Final.
But hurry! From Sept 23-29 Smart & Final will have a super great promotion on the La Romanella products, you can also take advantage of the Instacart for your online purchases with $5 off with the promo code: SMART5 "

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